5 Ways to Ease the Strain of Divorce | Ohiku Law

5 Ways to Ease the Strain of Divorce | Ohiku Law

Divorce is simply a fact of modern life. Studies estimate between 35 – 40% of marriages end in divorce. If you and your spouse have decided that divorce is the best way forward, you are embarking on what can be an emotional, stressful, and complex legal and personal process that will have profound implications for your life and that of your family.

At Ohiku Law, we provide expert divorce and family law service for people in Milwaukee and surrounding communities. We have helped a lot of people get through the divorce process and have seen firsthand the negative impact it can have on everyone involved. If you are considering divorce, or if you have started down that road, read on for some simple ways you can make the process a little easier on yourself and your family.

  1. Be mindful of the big picture. When it comes to divorce, no one gets everything they want. Divorce is a legal process that often involves a lot of emotions and other complex feelings for those involved. The client’s we’ve worked with who have had the best experiences with divorce go into the process knowing they will have to compromise. Focusing too much on getting every little detail to go your way will leave you frustrated. Instead, try to focus on the end goal of the process and what you want your future to look like. This type of visualization can help you get through the tough moments with your feelings and sanity intact.
  2. Prepare your finances. As soon as you decide to get divorced, it’s time to get organized. We can’t stress this enough: divorce is a complicated process that involves nearly every aspect of a person’s life, with finances playing a major role. First, get all your financial account information and contact info for key advisors in one place. Next, make copies of important documents, like your will, bank statements, recent pay stubs, loan/mortgage information, important bills, insurance policy information, etc. Finally, start saving money to put toward legal expenses. By getting prepared early, you will save yourself a headache down the road.
  3. Take advice with a grain of salt. As outlined above, a lot of people have gone through the divorce process and it is likely you know more than one person who has gotten divorced. Friends and family will want to share their personal divorce experiences with you and give you advice. While they probably mean well, taking divorce advice from someone not familiar with all the details of your situation, the goals and outcomes you want to achieve, your family dynamics, and divorce law in your state can steer you in the wrong direction. Having an experienced attorney like Odalo Ohiku as your primary advisor in the process will help ensure you have the best experience possible.
  4. Do your best to protect the feelings of your children. If you are considering divorce and have children – no matter what age – they will be impacted by this major life change. While this fact is unavoidable, there are steps you can take to make the divorce experience much, much easier on your children. First, avoid talking negatively about your soon-to-be ex-spouse in front of them. In almost all situations, children of divorce continue to have a relationship with both parents and it’s important that they are given the space they need to build their own feelings about that relationship. Another tip: consider exploring therapy resources specifically designed to support children going through divorce. Having someone to talk to who has experience with this specific issue can be helpful for children as they navigate their emotions about this significant life change.
  5. Get professional support. Many people considering divorce are concerned about how much it will cost. The truth is: divorce is not cheap. To save money, some people decide not to hire a divorce attorney to support them in the process. This is a mistake. An experienced divorce attorney can help you navigate the complex process of divorce, avoiding mistakes and pitfalls that make the process last much longer and cost significantly more. A divorce attorney can also give you advice on how to prepare your finances so you are ready for the cost, and will keep the process moving to ensure you get through this experience in the best way possible.

I’m Odalo Ohiku, an experienced divorce attorney in Milwaukee with expertise in family law, child custody and placement, dispute resolution, and much more. Every client I work with has a unique situation and my ethic is to provide the exact service each needs to meet their goals and have the best experience possible. If you have questions or are ready to get started, give the offices of Ohiku Law a call today.