7 Questions to Ask Yourself When Beginning the Divorce Process

7 Questions to Ask Yourself When Beginning the Divorce Process

7 Questions to Ask Yourself When Beginning the Divorce Process

7 Questions to Ask Yourself When Beginning the Divorce ProcessDeciding to divorce is never easy. It can be one of the most difficult and stressful decisions a person will ever make. There are so many things to consider – from child custody and placement, to dividing assets, to deciding who will represent you in court. If you’re just starting the process, it’s important to ask yourself some key questions that will help guide you through this difficult time.

At The Ohiku Law Office, Milwaukee Divorce Attorneys Odalo Ohiku and Felicia Owen help high net worth clients navigate all points in their divorce journeys. If you’re looking for a divorce attorney with compassion, experience, and customer focus, we are the firm for you. In this blog post, we’ll discuss seven questions that you should ask yourself as you begin the divorce process. We hope this information will help make the experience a little less daunting for you. For questions or to get started with a Milwaukee divorce attorney, contact Ohiku Law today.

Question #1: Do my spouse and I agree on the important things?

This is one of the most important questions to ask yourself before beginning the divorce process. You and your spouse will need to come to an agreement on a number of crucially important elements during the divorce process, including child custody, asset division, spousal support, and more. If you agree on these issues upfront, you may decide to try a form of alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation or arbitration, rather than going through divorce court. If, however, you do not agree on these or other important issues or have a contentious relationship, the traditional process of going to court to settle a divorce is probably the right fit for you.

Question #2: How do I want to communicate with my spouse during this process?

Another important question to consider is how you want to communicate with your spouse during the divorce process. If you have a good relationship and can communicate effectively, you may be able to work together to come to an agreement on key issues before bringing in a divorce lawyer. However, if communication is difficult or strained, or if you’re unsure what topics you should be talking about, meeting with and communicating through a divorce lawyer is a great idea.

Question #3: What are my goals for child custody and placement?

If you have children, one of the most important questions to ask yourself is what your goals are for child custody and placement. You’ll need to decide how much time each parent will spend with the child, whether there will be a shared or joint custody arrangement, and more. There are many factors to consider when making these decisions, so it’s important to sit down and really think about what’s best for your child before beginning the process.

Question #4: What assets are most important to me?

When going through a divorce, you and your spouse will need to divide up your assets. This can be a complex process despite the fact that Wisconsin is a marital property state, meaning most marital assets and debts are split evenly. It’s important to decide what assets are most important to you before beginning the process, as this will help you determine what you’re willing to fight for in court. An experienced divorce attorney can help you decide.

Question #5: Do I need to make any major purchases or sales?

If you’re planning on making any major purchases or sales during the divorce process, it’s important to consult with a lawyer first. In some cases, these types of transactions may not be allowed or may need to be approved by the court. It may be wise to make these purchases or sales before filing your initial petition for divorce.

Question #6: Do I want or need to change my name?

If you want to change your name as part of the divorce process, you’ll need to include this in your initial petition. You can usually only change your name back to your maiden name or another previous name, but in some cases, you may be able to choose a completely new name.

Question #7: Who should I choose to represent me?

One of the most important questions to ask yourself when beginning the divorce process is who you want to represent you. A divorce attorney with experience representing clients with your unique goals and circumstances will be the best fit, but it’s important to shop around. There are many factors to consider when making this decision. If you’re in the greater Milwaukee area, a great place to start is with The Ohiku Law Office. Attorneys Odalo Ohiku and Felicia Owen are here to answer your questions and see if we would be a great fit for your needs.

Contact Ohiku Law today.